This plug in is for use with feeds ith Microsoft Simple List Extensions.
Note you need to use the current CVS version of ROME or 0.9 when available.
SimpleListExtension sle = (SimpleListExtension) feed.getModule( SimpleListExtension.URI ); System.out.println( sle ); Group[] groups = sle.getGroupFields(); System.out.println( groups[0].getLabel() ); //You can use the SleUtility class to do sorting and grouping: List sortedEntries = SleUtility.sort( feed.getEntries(), sle.getSortFields()[1], true ); SyndEntry entry = (SyndEntry) sortedEntries.get( 0 ); //You can also Group or Sort and Group List sortedAndGroupedEntries = SleUtility.sortAndGroup( feed.getEntries, sle.getGroupFields(), sle.getSortFields()[0], false ); // If you change, for instance, module values on a feed and want to reinitialize it for // grouping and sorting... SleUtility.initializeForSorting( feed ); // Be aware, this is a VERY heavy operation and should not be used frequently.