This plug in is for use the Yahoo! Weather service.
SyndFeed feed = ... ); YWeatherFeedModule yfeed = (YWeatherFeedModule) feed.getModule( YWeatherFeedModule.URI ); System.out.println( yfeed.getLocation().getCity() ); SyndEntry entry = (SyndEntry) feed.getEntries().get(0); YWeatherEntryModule yentry = (YWeatherEntryModule) entry.getModule( YWeatherEntryModule.URI ); System.out.println( yentry.getForecasts()[0].getHigh() ); //Optionally, to add Weather information to a feed: SyndEntry entry = new SyndEntryImpl(); YWeatherEntryModule yentry = new YWeatherModuleImpl(); yentry.setCondition( Condition("Partly Cloudy", ConditionCode.PARTLY_CLOUDY, 65, new Date() ) ); entry.getModules.add(yentry);